1. vapeit

    What if I failed to upgrade my xcube II?

    1. 3FVape 3FVape

      please use the upgrade tool to erase the old firmware first and then flash the correct one.

      1. Robert

        hi i upgrate my xcube2 but i forgot to tick the box erese
        now it wont turn on at all
        cant conect it to computer either cos cant turn it on and turn download mode ?????

        1. Justin

          im having the same problem like you too, i accidently double click the start button and in the same condition like you.

    2. dawn M freese

      mine did the same thing now it wont turn on at all. waste of money :/
      how do you fix when it wont turn on is there a way to hit certain buttons?

      1. Chauncey

        click the top part of the fire button specifically and it turns on

  2. Gonshown

    Is this 510 pin adjustable or spring loaded?

  3. Acolmikl

    Thank you for sharing the guidance of smok xcube2 upgrade

  4. dan

    i have just done upgrade now it wont turn on at all help please

      1. petrocel3

        Perfecto! Thank you. Only will add that the APROM file search , one needs to change the extension to .hex for APROM path from previously extracted Alien v1.3.2.hex file , then start…whala!

        1. Dman

          dude ty so much after changing from searching for bin file to hex had no issue

    1. havoknkhaos

      if it won’t turn on after update make sure you used the hex file inside the zip file. if you don’t unzip the file first you can encounter this problem

  5. mike

    Thank you for providing upgrade instructions without butchering the English language like Smok does on their site.

  6. Joe

    Spent hours trying to work this out and all I get is “invalid chip ID” fuck this SHIT.

      1. David Qunt

        Mate, thank you very much for posting this, I spent hours trying to get it to work with no luck until this.

      2. Erminio

        thank you so much, this is my second alien and my old one was funky, but i was able to upgrade the old one and not the new one….Thank you so much for your help

      3. Cecilie

        hello! i tried everything, i even downloaded the link you posted, and it stills says “invalid chip” anything i can do?

        1. 3FVape 3FVape

          Since it’s an old model of and this post is old, maybe the official team of Smoktech have some update of the firmware, better visit smoktech official site for the correct firmware. Thank you.

  7. Jason

    My Xcube 2 is dead. Tried upgrading just as described and everything was fine till it said it should flash screen, mine never did.Help!!

  8. Chad

    I unbowed mine and it shows I have the atomizer but when I try it doesn’t fire. The machine shows its firing but nothing…

    1. 3FVape 3FVape

      Make sure your atomizer get a good connection with your xcube II.

      1. Chad

        I’ve twisted it tight and it picks up the coils ohms but still nothing

        1. 3FVape 3FVape

          I can’t find your order history on 3FVAPE so I don’t know which batch you bought. Have you change other atomizer to see? What’s the ohm xcube II read?

        2. 3FVape 3FVape

          Hi Chad, recently I came across one guy who has similar situation like you. And we find out that it’s due to the battery. We change 2 x 18650 power battery and this problem solved. I think my be the battery is not offering enough power to fire the atomizer. As you has said. The smok xcube II reads the ohm so it won’t be the shortage or open circuit. Hope this can solve your problem too.

          1. Chad

            I figured it out. I had a blown capacitor and it was only firing at .0.4 watts

          2. 3FVape 3FVape

            Glad to hear that, sorry I didn’t offer much help.

          3. Chad

            You did help. You helped me go thru diff processes to fix it. I appreciate it

  9. Chad

    Please help. I bought a brand new x cube 2 and like I stated earlier nothing happened but the atomizer works on other boxs

    1. 3FVape 3FVape

      HI Chad, I checked your email address and found no order history on http://www.3fvape.com
      Would you pleas tell me the firmware version of your xcube II, I will try to help but I can’t promise I can solve this problem.
      What if you provide more information?

  10. 6ixth

    I can’t access to the Mech mod mode via the app. Is there something i missed out? i upgraded my firmware to 1.092 already.

    1. Christopher Moore

      Same here i am looking for that my self

  11. mark monroe

    i tried upgrading and my mod no longer turns on and i cant re upgrade it because now it says “no such USB device” what do i do?

  12. patrick

    i cant upgrade no matter what. always reads no such usb or some bullshit somone help?

  13. Dillon

    I have the Xcube Mini and i cant find anything about it to help me. i keep getting the no such usb device error and idk what to do. i have tried doing the download but nothing comes up when i do it? please help

    1. 3FVape 3FVape

      Haven’t heard about the upgrading for xcube mini. You should contact the smoktech for help.
      Will try help to find solution, if any information will update you.

    2. Jake

      same problem here with my mini…have you had yours updated already? let me know if you did and what you have done to have it updated. thanks!

  14. Dale

    I have 2 x cube II’s, both upgraded fine in minutes

  15. marcus

    Hi I followed these instrusctions and now it dosnt turn on at all what do i do??

    1. marcus

      Sorry Ignore that its working fine now cheers for the help all updated and running well

  16. Desmond

    Just got my X Cube II with original Firmware, and TFV4 Tank. Mod read “Ohms to Low” while I’m using the Quad Coil in TFV4. I don’t understand why, could you offer insight?

  17. alex

    hi just trying to update smok x cube mini and just saying no such usb
    tried a new usb cable still not working…HELP

    1. 3FVape 3FVape

      This is the firemware for updating XCube II. Not Mini, you can check the Smoktech official site for details or contact them for update information.

        1. 3FVape 3FVape

          the newest now is 1.094, some one already replied.

  18. Chris
  19. Devonte

    I’ve done everything correctly but it keep saying aprom file is to big

  20. Jordon

    Hi, I just updated my smoke x cube 2 and now it will not turn on or any thing, have tried 3 different pairs of batteries and nothing. How do I get it fixed?

  21. soflogo.me

    Take out the battery before connecting your X CUBE II or H-Priv with the computor.

  22. Devid mark

    I have a problem in the cube mini 75 W that does not work and when it is put in the shipping rises its temperature but also does not work just show the sign shipping only any advice please.

  23. Dj

    My light on the fireing bar wont turn off

  24. bailey

    my x cube 2 keeps saying no secret key I keep reading online to update my firmware but it is saying no suck usb when I plug it in

    1. bailey

      ive fixed the usb but now it is say arprom is to big what do I do ?

  25. Shawn Johnson

    I cannot get the x cube to to connect to the upgrade tool! This is the first time I have ever e tried to update. Using V.1.05. anything that may need to be done to allow my mod to connect to the upgrade tool?


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