1 Comment

  1. James

    I’ve read several reviews about this tank and I would like to add to that. So many people complained about how it performs with the prebuilt coils, ITS NOT OPTIMIZED FOR PREBUILT COILS!!!! That’s kind of a novelty so you can learn building at you own pace. I have not used any pre built coils on mine, only the velocity dual post head and at .25 ohm on my MadVapes Deviate (only goes to 60 watts so I keep it there) it is very good. I would give it 6-7/10 but I wouldn’t recommend it for any novice builders, it can be difficult to wick properly. Your either gonna have muted flavor or some leaking unless you have ideal cotton and a perfect build. If you don’t build it 100% perfectly you won’t be happy. It’s kind of ideal for decent builders to dial in there build capabilities. Since learning from this tank my goon and pulse rdas on my pulse squonker are so much better.


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