1. Ryan

    I pre odered the wismec reuleaux rx200 i have emailed the address you gave me i have not got a response yet also message facebook and instagram Ryanbalint@gmail.com please contact me thanks

    1. 3FVape 3FVape

      My co-worker in customer service team has replied you in the mail, please check your trash box or make sure you have service@3fvape.com in your white box.

  2. Ahsan

    If you can leave a reply for me too. I have sent like 4 emails to your service department (and pls dont tell me check to see if its service@3fvape since ive done that already) and I have not recieved a single damn reply. Its been over 8 days and still my product (which was to be shipped in 24hrs) has not been recieved by me.
    Kindly stop scamming and respond ASAP!
    My email is xxxxxx

    1. Ahsan

      Still no one has responded.. Its not angood customer service at all.

      1. 3FVape 3FVape

        I have conveyed your opinion to 3FVAPE customer service team.
        Thanks and best regards.

    2. 3FVape 3FVape

      Well, our customer service team has replied you, pleas make sure you have service@3fvape.com in you white box. You order has been shipped out on 2nd December. 24hrs Ship items means the items will be ship out from 3FVAPE stock in 24 hours business days, not meaning you will receive it in 24hrs. I think you know that as it’s an oversea business. Thank you for your understanding.


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